Notification system in Workspace
How and when do you get notifications?
Workspaces has email and online notifications. In this article you will learn all you need to know about them.
Email notifications
- Guests receive an email notification when assigned to a task or mentioned in a chat.
- Admins receive an email notification when a new file is uploaded. The email shows the number of uploaded files.
- To limit spam, all actions are aggregated in a 1 hour timespan and delivered in a single email.
- From the email, users can go directly to the Workspace and work on the assigned items. To have a clear overview of the items that have been assigned to you, set the filter to 'assigned to you' to you.
Workspace Tip: Email notifications can be disabled by clicking on the notifications icon and unticking the checkbox.
Online notifications
- For as long as users are logged in to the Workspace, they will receive notifications about all changes performed on folders or files that are assigned to them. This list will be cleared when the user logs out.
- There is no distinction between Admins and Guests other than the circumstance where a top-level folder is added to the data collection.
- The counter badge on the bell will display the number of new notifiable changes.