Q&A report
How to use the Q&A report?
The Q&A report shows all the questions and answers in the Q&A. The report contains different columns to provide more information about the content of the question, details about who asked the question / or provided the answer and the status of the question.
The Q&A report of a Q&A Admin contains the following information:
- ID of the question
- Status unassigned, assigned to, to be disclosed or disclosed
- Question reference the index + title of the chosen folder/document
- Answer reference only when selected by the Answer group
- Category only when selected by the Question- or Answer group
- Drafted by who created the question
- Date question drafted the date it was created
- Submitted by who approved and sent the question
- Date question submitted the date it was submitted
- Days open how many days ago was it submitted (only if there is no answer yet)
- Date answer disclosed the date the answer was provided by the Answer group