Import (multiple) answers
How to import multiple answers?
You can use the 'Import answers' feature in the Q&A to download an Excel sheet with all current questions to be answered. Using this sheet you can easily create multiple answers at once and import them into the Q&A.
To import multiple answers at the same time, use the steps below.
Log in to your Vault and navigate to the Q&A overview.
1. Underneath the three dots in the top right corner of the screen, next to the Q&A settings, you want to click on the "Import answers" option.
2. Click on Download template to get the template in Excel.
3. Open the file in Excel and type your answers in the column Answer and save the file on your computer - Do NOT change the name of the file when you save it.
4. Drag and drop or select the file from your finder into the "Import answers" screen.
5. Click on Start import and your answers will be imported as drafts into the Q&A.